Now get rich at less than the cost of one dinner every month!

Start investing in mutual funds with only Rs 500

As part of our Investor Education Initiatives at Corporates, we speak to a lot of employees. And one of the first questions that we ask is – How much money do you think you need to start investing every month?

And amusing as it may sound, the answer varies from a few thousands to a few lacs. Thanks to the TV commercials by AMFI on “Mutual Funds Sahi Hai”, some people now know the truth. All you need to start investing every month is Rs. 500. Yes, that is less than the cost of 1 dinner, 1 new dress or 2 movies!

Unlike big ticket investments like purchasing a house or gold, mutual funds are accessible to all kinds of investors. The initial investment amount for an SIP has been kept as low as Rs. 500 for a lot of funds just to democratize investing. So, it was never about the amount. A lot of us do not start investing only because either we are not aware or we tell ourselves – “Next week pakka!”

And just in case you want to know what the impact of starting to invest early is, read our other article here.

But now that you are aware of both the amount and benefits of early investing, visit us and drop in your details. We will reach out to you within 24 working hours to help you get started on your journey of getting rich!

Alternatively, feel free to reach out to us on +91 97693 56440 or email is on to know how you can get started with your monthly SIPs.

Track Your Mutual Fund Investments Real Time

Till some time ago, every family had a relationship manager who would periodically come and meet our parents and discuss his mutual fund investments with him. And that was the only time our parents could get to know how their funds were doing. This is similar to those times when the only way to send money to someone was to visit a bank branch and deposit some cash/cheque.

With the onslaught of technology, everyone is seeking more convenience in everything that they do. So we don’t want to visit bank branches anymore and neither do we want to depend on our advisor to tell us how our money is doing. At CAGRfunds, we realized this urge for independence and therefore provided our clients with the convenience of tracking their investments on their own personal CAGR dashboard.

Once you register and start investing through the CAGR platform, you are assigned your own login details with which you get access to your own dashboard. Not only can you invest in mutual funds online but also track how your funds are performing.

But you do get a bunch of statements on your email, right? So what is there to track? Well, three reasons why our dashboard helps:

Comprehensive Data:

Some reports give you the value of how much your money has grown while others show you the list of transactions you have made. We give you everything relevant at one place. We show you how much you have invested, the current invested value, the absolute return and the annual return.Not only that, we show you the individual funds that you are invested in and what is the return you are making both at the fund and portfolio level. We also show you how your investments are split between asset classes and if it is in sync with your decided asset-allocation.

Simple Enough For Anyone To Get It:

The fine print and numbers overload on the statements you get on email makes it all the more complicated. Either you sift through all the information yourself or stay uninformed. We obviously don’t want that and hence our dashboard and reports are quite simple. Our clients told this to us! Don’t believe? Read here.

Any Time Visibility:

Reports generally come to you at the end of the month or when you transact. But with us, the next time you are discussing investments with your friend, just log in, check your current portfolio value and returns and have a more informed discussion!

We, therefore, ensure that you stay in complete control of your portfolio. So the next time you call us, it is only to discuss your portfolio, not to get data – because your dashboard gives you all the data you need!

If you have been facing trouble tracking your investments and want to switch to a truly delightful investing experience, do not hesitate to call / Whatsapp us on +91 97693 56440. You can also comment on this post or email us on

Women are increasingly leading investment decisions!

Financial Planning happened to be a male domain. But our experience at CAGRfunds has been different. If you look 20-25 years back, you would agree that homes had a very clear split of work. Women would be largely responsible for the house management while the males of the family would mostly be in charge of the money management. So all notices with respect to payment of school fees would naturally go to our dads. But if we think deeper, we cannot fail to notice how our mothers used to manage the domestic finances.

Times have been changing but not the traits. Women have been dealing with finances and managing them exceptionally well since forever. But what has changed is how evidently the skill is manifesting itself now. We realized this when we started meeting more and more female prospects at CAGRfunds.

Couple of interesting cases that we came across:

  • One of our female client was way more diligent and interested in getting investments started than her husband. She had been investing since before her marriage and discovered her husband to be restricted to bank deposits. That is when she decided to get a holistic financial planning exercise done and kick start both their investments. We not manage their siblings’ investments also.
  • In a few cases, we discovered that young women knew about mutual funds and investing whereas the rest of the family members were only aware of Fixed Deposits. Some such clients actually went back to their husbands and fathers to explain them the mechanics of mutual funds and NPS.
  • One of our client was extremely concerned about the fact that her brother was not saving anything. She chased us and her brother to start saving. She started by doing a con call with us and her brother to ensure that we rope him in. The duos are happy CAGR clients now!
  • A 22 year old client of ours had just started working. She was responsible for managing her family expenses and getting her younger siblings educated. Her expenses matched her income. Yet she wanted to start saving for the future. We cannot be more inspired!

As we recall our experiences with our female clients, we cannot express how inspired we feel to see that we have come a long way as a society. Husbands are increasingly becoming comfortable reposing trust in their wives and young girls are planning for retirement right in their first job.

This International Women’s Day, we appreciate and salute each of our female clients who decided to take control of their finances. We often wonder what financial independence means. But here we are, talking to hundreds of girls and women who desire to be financially independent in more than several ways. And what better way to celebrate women’s day than to contribute towards making more and more women financially independent!

To all the women out there – we are truly proud of you. And we wish you a very Happy International Women’s Day!

2 steps is all it takes to start investing

Remember those times when our parents used to invite an uncle over tea to discuss where they should be investing their money? And then they would sign a pile of documents and hand over a bunch of cheques? Well, believe it or not, a large proportion of investors still follow that route. But times are changing and changing for good.

When we talk to young people we meet, we realize that a lot of them have not started investing only because it requires so much of formalities and paperwork. We therefore knew one thing. The process of investing has to be made extremely convenient.

At CAGRfunds, our investors literally take less than 15 seconds to make a transaction. Since we first discuss the portfolio with our clients, we are able to create customized portfolios on each client’s dashboard which makes investing just a 2-click process for the client.

We launched this feature just 3 months back. And we received an extremely positive response from our users who were absolutely delighted with the little things we did to make the journey convenient for them.

If you don’t believe us, here it from one of our clients here.

Delivering convenience is an ongoing process and we are currently working on several things that will make the experience a lot more delightful in the days to come.

If you want to have a delightful investing experience, do not hesitate to call or Whatsapp us on +91 97693 56440. Alternatively, you can comment on this post or drop us an email on We promise we will get back to you in no time.